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EuroCAIRN Document Library

7th September 1994
Trans-European Backbone Project Proposal (251 kB)
Presentation by Howard Davies introducing EuroCAIRN Proposal, September 1994.

19th September 1994
EuroCAIRN Introduction 11 kB)

12th December 1994
EuroCAIRN overview presentation (197 kB)
Presentation by Howard Davies on EuroCAIRN Proposal in Frascati, December 1994.

31st December 1994
EuroCAIRN and the Trans-European Research Backbone Project (31 kB)
Paper presented at the EEOS Workshop, held on 13-14 December 1994 in Frascati, Italy by Howard Davies.

19th May 1995
EuroCAIRN Overview (14 kB)