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CAPE logo Connecting Asia Pacific to Europe
May - November 1998
  1. Perform feasibility study regarding direct Internet connectivity between Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.
  2. Advise on how the requirements of European researchers and their counterparts in Asia Pacific for direct connectivity can be met most efficiently.
Achievements Production of study report in November 1998 comprising:
  • An analysis of the Internet and research networking developments in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe.
  • An analysis of the potential and economics for co-operation.
  • Recommendations on how direct connectivity between the Asia-Pacific region and Europe could be achieved.
  • April 1998: EC DG XIII commissions DANTE to carry out CAPE study.
  • August 1998: DANTE submits final version of CAPE study.
  • December 1998: CAPE study available to the public.
Partners DANTE (supported by DFN), contracted by the European Commission. 
Documents 3rd November 1998
CAPE Final Report - November 1998 (566 kB)

7th January 2006
CAPE Developments as reported in TWoD (14 kB)