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QUANTUM logo Quality Network Technology for User Oriented Multi-Media
April 1997 - May 2000
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  1. To carry out the trials of the new protocols and technology developments that will improve QoS and optimise bandwidth utilisation, both in a laboratory environment and in controlled experiments over the wide area network.
  2. Based on the results of these tests, to specify and procure the network interconnections that will supersede TEN-34 for the participating national research networks.
  3. To validate the use of improved QoS management in a large scale operational environment, while still handling general IP traffic, using access bandwidths up to 155Mbps.
  • Definition, preparation and delivery of TEN-155: a much higher capacity network than TEN-34 but at similar cost (early 1997 – December 1998).
  • Definition and execution of Quantum Technical Programme, QTP (early 1997 – May 2000), by joint TERENA/DANTE Task Force TANT (Testing of Advanced Networking Technologies).
  • April 1997: Quantum outline proposal submitted to EC.
  • December 1997: positive evaluation by the EC of Quantum outline proposal; specification of TEN-155 service agreed; TEN-155 Consortium created.
  • May 1998: QUANTUM Policy Committee decisions on: a set pricing scheme; the principle that ATM will be used as a bandwidth management tool to optimise the use of the SDH circuits; individual national research networks will have the choice between ATM or IP-over-SDH access to the network.
  • October 1998: working items of QTP Task Force defined.
  • December 1998: TEN-155 operational.
  • May 2000: Final deliverable QTP delivered.
(Co-)Funding Co-funded under a joint initiative by DGXIII (Telematics for Applications and ACTS) and DGIII (Esprit) of the European Commission.
Partners DANTE - Coordinating Partner
ACOnet (Austria)
ARNES (Slovenia
BELNET (Belgium)
CESnet (Czech Republic
DFN (Germany)
GARR (Italy)
GRNET (Greece)
HEAnet (Ireland)
NORDUnet (Nordic countries)
RCCN (Portugal)
RESTENA (Luxembourg)
RedIRIS (Spain)
RENATER (France)
SURFnet (Netherlands)
SWITCH (Switzerland)

Associated Partners:
Telebit Communications A/S
Documents QUANTUM Developments as reported in TWoD